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Sweet, Sweet Victory

6 Oct

Peep this pic of the Pieps posing with the Iron Skillet. Class of ’13 and ’15 celebrating our victory over tcu this past weekend.


My youngest brother took a picture of me along when he went to get his photo taken so that I could be a part of the magic, even though I’m in London. So proud of this picture and it is definitely getting blown up and hung on my wall.

Love, love, love it. Thanks, Andrew!

I know I haven’t updated in awhile. I have been very overwhelmed now that classes have started. Adjusting to a different system has been a challenge – but I feel like I am starting to understand more about what is expected of me. I met with a professor today who is teaching two of my four courses, and she was very kind and patient with me and all of my clueless questions. The first day, when I was handed a syllabus which just consisted of a list of books I’d never heard of, I had a bit of a freak out moment. But as is usually the case in times of trouble, a quick chat with Mom (via Skype), helped me to get back on track.

I am really good at procrastination. As in, good enough that it could actually be a marketable skill. I should go on X Factor or some sort of equally reputable talent show to display how truly gifted I am when it comes to finding obscure and unhelpful ways to avoid doing any work whatsoever. I think people would really be impressed.

That being said, my biggest struggle will be keeping up with the readings, since there is no system for accountability. The only grades I will have are the papers due at the end of the term! Which seems great when you don’t have ‘homework’ everyday and you’re not in class as often, but when you look at the big picture you realize you still have plenty of work to do and it’s not just free time!

I just found out that one of my best friend’s mother will be in London for a few days and hopefully I will get to see her! It will be nice to see a familiar face from back home!



How To Know You Are Missed

18 Sep